Monday, June 8, 2009

Cardinals Game!

Today, we went to the Cardinals game!!

The girls had matching *pink* Cardinals shirts. This is in the parking lot. The stadium is behind us, notice the St. Louis arch in the background. Yes, Jonathan is in his sling, again. He slept in it for most of the game, but was awake for a little while.

Uncle Ben looks on as Grandma holds the youngest Cardinal fan in the family!

Jonathan wasn't too impressed....

Heather and Billy sharing snacks. Notice the chain link fence behind Billy... we were sitting on the absolute highest row in Busch stadium. Pro-- nobody behind us to kick our seats. Con-- it started to sprinkle and was very windy up there!

I enjoyed explaining baseball to Katrina while we watched. You can see they got *pink* pendants. This was the girls first time at a ball game.

Say "cheese"!

Thanks Mom and Dad for a fun day at the ball park! Lots of fun memories.

1 comment:

Jody said...

I love all your pics and posts Leah! Great blog!

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