Monday, June 15, 2009

Jonathan's baby dedication at Eastview

Jonathan's baby dedication

This weekend at Eastview Christian Church- Cedar Rapids, IA, we dedicated as a family to raise Jonathan to know Jesus. We were so happy that both sets of grandparents were able to come too. Both my parents, and Bill's parents were there for both Katrina's and Heather's baby dedications as well, so it was a very special time. Katrina was dedicated on Mother's Day, 2002 at 2 weeks old in St. Louis. Heather was dedicated in Morton, IL in Oct. 2004 at only a few weeks old as well. Jonathan seems so big this time, being nearly 3 months old already.
We were happy to be able to do this at Eastview Christian Church, which has become so close to us over the years.

We had a wonderful time with everyone at Eastview all weekend at various activities, and meals (doesn't fellowship = food?) :-] It was great to meet with those interested in coming in 2010, and hammering out some project ideas with them. Somehow, out of this meeting, Bill was talked into promising to shave his head on Aug 2nd, if they are able to raise $7,000 towards their trip to come by that date. Quite a commitment for Billy!! Let's see if they can do it! We are so excited to have the group coming next summer.


Debbie Legg said...

Be sure to post the pictures of Billy's "after." I KNOW God is going to want to see this... :p

Leah said...

As an amendment, we are moving Bill's "shave day" to Aug 23rd, AFTER David and Kara come to visit... so we can get a decent family picture together!

Tirz said...

Hi Leah. My name is Tirzah. I'm a childhood friend of Billy's from Zimbabwe. I look forward to keeping up with your family through your blog. I think that's wonderful that both sets of grandparents were there for all 3 of your children's dedications! Blessings to you!

Our family

Our family