Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Heather I know...

Heather hasn't gotten much space on my blog so far, and I need to amend that!
Heather is our second child, and she is a bright star in our lives. She is four and turns five in Sept. She only weighs about 28 lbs., which is the size of the normal 2 year old I think. Because she is so tiny, we often "baby" her. She is very loving, and she is my cuddle bunny. When I was on bedrest, she would snuggle next to me on the couch for hours.
Heather loves watching Barbie movies over and over, dancing ballet, coloring, ponies, the color purple. She is a little timid, but she is brave in her own way. A few months ago, in Arusha, she let go of me in the pool for the first time, wearing her lifevest. She was scared, but she did it! We are so blessed to have Heather in our family. We are blessed with all of our children, each one is such a blessing!!

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