Thursday, September 2, 2010

A long walk

This afternoon I was out on a walk with the girls, pushing Jonathan in the stroller. I often take walks with the kids around the neighborhood. While out, I ran into Mama Teddy and Vincent on their way to the children's program at Moshono Christian Church. I thought, "Hey this is my chance to see how far it is to walk to Moshono Christian Church from our house!" So, we started walking together to the church.... and arrived there AN HOUR AND A HALF LATER! I had no idea how far it was! (Obviously!) The kids were tired, but enjoyed playing with the animals that live on the farm next to the church, and we stayed for most of the children's program. When it was 6pm, it was getting dark and Bill was still in town, so we had to walk back home. It was a long and tiring walk, but I'm glad to say that we have done it, at least once! When we got home, we were locked out, but Bill showed up after a few minutes to let us in. It "only" took us an hour to get home, so thankfully we made it before dark. I was so happy to be home again, to have a glass of water and some food and sit down and rest! I was a long day, but it was nice to get to see everyone at Moshono Christian Church.

Katrina and Heather walking behind Mama Teddy to the church.

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