We lost power last night (Tues night) at 8pm, and it didn't come back until 2pm today (Wed.). 14 hours without power isn't really that bad, the worst part of it was that our water tank was empty when it happened, and we didn't have power to pump any water.
Thankfully, the kids were all asleep already. I decided to go to bed early since there was no lights and nothing to do.
When I woke up and found there was still no water or power, I had to get creative. I used some wet wipes to take a sponge bath. I used some bottled drinking water to wet wash clothes for the girls to wash their face. They had bathed before bed.
I didn't want the dishes to just sit there, so decided to use one teakettle-full of drinking water to do dishes. We had 5 L of drinking water. I boiled the water on stove. We have gas stove, so we never have to depend on power to cook.
No water means not cooking any rice or anything else you have to boil, but thankfully I had plenty of left overs to heat up for lunch.
Heather fell and straped up her knees, and I used wet wipes to clean them off.
It's amazing what you can get by with when you have to... now that power's back and I have pumped the water... I think I'll go take a real shower!