Friday, May 15, 2009

Story time

Can you be addicted to blogging? Anyway, that is beside the point. I just had to post this picture of Heather reading Jonathan a bedtime story. It was so sweet how she was reading to him, and he was looking so intently at the book. SOOO CUTE!
We leave tomorrow for our first "weekend away", which happens to be our graduation from Lincoln Christian Seminary. I'm interested (terrified?) to see how the first road trip with three kids is going to go. It's relatively short, only 2 hours non-kid time. So, that should round up to about 5 hours of "kid time" travel! We'll see how it goes tomorrow...


Lori and Dustin said...

Good luck with the trip! Heather is such a great big sister!

Little Bishops said...

You CAN be addicted to blogging! ;-) At least, I am!

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