Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Weaning Wars

Well, at long last, Jonathan is being weaned. I always knew I'd wean him around the age of 2, and since we were going to the beach during his birthday, I nursed him for the last time a few days before we went. I figured that the pool, beach, hotel room, etc. would be good distractions. Well, they were, but now we're home and he's not distracted anymore. Tonight he cried for 2 hours to nurse, although it's been 3 full weeks now. Even my older two girls were begging me just to nurse him! But, I will not give in!! He is weaned... he just doesn't want to admit it yet. Not sure exactly where I fit in the "mothering paradim" since I nurse way longer than conventional mothers, and at the same time don't just give in and nurse them once I've decided "enough is enough, you are weaned now!"... not sure where that lands me... I guess motherhood isn't something you can put into neatly labled boxes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and I are in the same boat! I, too, nurse my babies longer than the conventional school of thought but I really don't care what about what others think of my mothering style. Eli's 2 and I have been trying for 2 months to wean him. I'm down to one nursing a day but then there are battles throughout each day as I try hard to remain firm and not give in and for the most part there's success but sometimes it gets to the point where my family begs me, like your family has done, to nurse him so we can have some peace and quiet and hear ourselves talk. Anyway, all that to say that I understand your journey somewhat since I've experienced it to some extent too. Thanks for sharing!

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